
Hat Yai Ice Dome

Hat Yai Ice Dome Invitation watch "tulips, colorful beauty of the Netherlands. Between 22 December 53-10 January 54 at the Ice Dome Hat Yai. Park, Hat Yai, Songkhla municipality.

Special Festival! Season of joy. Hat Yai Municipality. With the Tourism Authority of Thailand Invitation watch "tulip" flower winter. Most of the beauty of the Netherlands. During the December 22, 2553 until January 10, 2554 at the temperate zone fruit Hat Yai Ice Dome. Park, Hat Yai, Songkhla municipality to experience the atmosphere and the aura of the plants winter variety. With this .. will be able to feel the cold. Temperature of minus 15 degrees Celsius excited about the greatness of the ice sculptures in Thailand. .. This one. @ Hat Yai Ice Dome.